CCC-CH Schleuder
The CCC-CH has a Schleuder which is a PGP encrypted mailing list. It's used for coordination and internal discussions. Since the Chaostreff Bern is a member of the CCC-CH, our associated hackers can join the list.
If you want to get on the list, contact Tobi, our list administrator. Please make sure that you meet the following requirements:
- You have got a PGP key with a length of at least 2048 Bit
- Your PGP key has an expiration date which is set less than 5 years in the future
- You have done keysigning with Tobi
- You have payed the CHF 5.- CCC-CH members fee to Tobi
Tobi usually attends our weekly meetings. You can meet him there.
To do keysigning with Tobi, please bring along a printout of your key
information (gpg-key2ps -p a4 <Key ID> >